AAC2005 Celebration

What’s Next!!

Phone    559-566-4337

Fax:       559-566-4337

E-mail     info@acc2005.com

Web:       www.aac2005.com


©  Wayne Walsh 2005

What a question!!

This Organizing Committee is very grateful for the success of the Celebration 2005 but would like to pass the torch to others. We realize people may not even be considering another but we now have some of the tools in place and would like to assist any future efforts.

We now have a database of both civic and email addresses.  A website also exists which we will keep operational for at least two more years. If funding is available, we will keep it operational indefinitely. Perhaps someone can host this site free of charge.

For those who feel they would enjoy another reunion, it is imperative that you keep your contact information current. Please do so by sending updated information to info@aac2005.com. Encourage others who did not participate in our reunion to send their information. It would be expected that all future communication would be via email.

Also it would help future committee members to have feedback from this reunion so they can plan accordingly. A Group has been set up at http://groups.google.com/group/AAC2005 . This site will allow everyone to interact and share opinions. Please remember to keep your address current. The biggest problem in organizing an event like this is trying to contact people



To contact us:

Assumption Academy


Celebration  July  29-30-31  2005